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The Well Child Initiative: Ensuring Optimal Child Development

Children are a precious gift, a source of joy and fulfillment. They bring warmth to a home and, as they grow, become a pillar of support for their parents. A family blessed with children finds strength in unity, and their legacy continues through the influence and honour their offspring carry forward. A home filled with love and guidance paves the way for future generations to thrive and succeed. John F. Kennedy, one of the former presidents of the United States, describes children as the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future. However, they come fragile, dependent, and vulnerable into the world, and they are left at the mercy of caregivers to diligently nurture them and create an environment that naturally unravels the great gift in them. Every child is born with the potential to be a successful president, world-renowned scientist, musician, etc. But the major determinants of any child's outcome, from a scientific perspective, include genetics and envi...

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